What is FareHawker.com ?
FareHawker is a global travel search engine. We search 100+
travel sites to find the best flight, hotel deals.
Our mission: to aggregate travel information and make it searchable and useful.
Our passion: technology that brings speed, usability and transparency to the travel world.
Our mission: to aggregate travel information and make it searchable and useful.
Our passion: technology that brings speed, usability and transparency to the travel world.
How are FareHawker.com different?
FareHawker is an infomediary, not an intermediary. That
means we are NOT an online travel agency. We let you search directly across
multiple airlines, hotels, buses, trains and online travel agencies in
real-time so that you don't need to search a zillion travel websites. We thus
aim to make your travel search easier for you, the same way Google does for
information on websites.
We do not bias our results, simply because we show you the prices from other travel sites. You can pick and choose the most suitable option for you and redirect & book directly on the travel site that suits your criteria.
FareHawker is a search of the traveler, by the traveler and for the traveler. When you use FareHawker, you retain complete control on your travel choices and preferences. You choose which provider you want to book with, and can complete the booking directly on the provider's site. This ensures that you retain a direct relationship with travel vendors and complete a transaction more efficiently. It also means that travel planning is no more stressful and you spend less time searching for tickets and more time on planning your stay.
We do not bias our results, simply because we show you the prices from other travel sites. You can pick and choose the most suitable option for you and redirect & book directly on the travel site that suits your criteria.
FareHawker is a search of the traveler, by the traveler and for the traveler. When you use FareHawker, you retain complete control on your travel choices and preferences. You choose which provider you want to book with, and can complete the booking directly on the provider's site. This ensures that you retain a direct relationship with travel vendors and complete a transaction more efficiently. It also means that travel planning is no more stressful and you spend less time searching for tickets and more time on planning your stay.